HSPH Students may cross-register for courses at MIT and Tufts Friedman and Fletcher Schools.
Enrolling at MIT
Students wishing to take courses at MIT can find the courses in the my.harvard course catalog. They can add courses to their cart, petition and enroll just like any other cross-registration course. Enrollment must be open at both HSPH and MIT to make enrollment updates.
- Petitions for MIT courses are submitted through my.harvard. The petition is sent to MIT’s enrollment system where it is reviewed and approved or denied. If the MIT petition is approved, the student is automatically enrolled in the course at MIT.
- After the student’s MIT petition appears as ‘approved’ in my.harvard, the student must complete their enrollment in the course in my.harvard. If enrollment is not completed in my.harvard the student is not considered enrolled in the course and will eventually be dropped from MIT’s system also.
- If a student drops an MIT course in my.harvard after the petition has been approved, HSPH will communicate the drop to MIT after the HSPH cross-registration add/drop deadline.
- my.Harvard is a student’s official record of enrollment.
- Students must confirm the course level of MIT courses by checking the course listing. HSPH students are not permitted to enroll or earn credit for courses that are undergraduate level at MIT. If an audit of the student’s record finds they are enrolled in an undergraduate MIT course, the student will be dropped from the course.
- Currently all MIT courses appear in the my.harvard course catalog as Full Term courses. Students should check the MIT course catalog to confirm when the course meets.
- Students who wish to enroll in Fall 2 or Spring 2 courses may not be able to do so through my.harvard if the Full Term add/drop deadline has passed. If you wish to enroll in a Fall 2 or Spring 2 course during the open enrollment window, please email Registrar@hsph.harvard.edu. We will review your request and process if applicable.
- Students will be able to drop MIT courses without penalty by no later than the second day of the class.
- MIT courses that have a Letter Ordinal Grading option may ONLY be taken for Letter Ordinal Grades regardless of any additional grading basis in the catalog.
- MIT courses that are ONLY offered with a Pass/Fail Grading Option may be taken for Pass/Fail credit.
- MIT courses may not be taken for audit or listener.
- Students graduating in the Spring SHOULD NOT take an MIT course if they need the credits from that course to graduate as the grades will not be received in time.
- Students should check the MIT cross-registration page for Harvard students to confirm MIT policies for cross-registrants.
Enrolling at Tufts
Students wishing to take a course at Tufts Fletcher or Tufts Friedman can find the course in the Tufts Catalog and submit a Tufts Course form to the HSPH Registrar’s Office to complete their enrollment in my.harvard.
- The form is used for both Friedman and Fletcher.
- Email approval from instructors is accepted in place of form signatures.
Tufts Fletcher and/or Tufts Friedman courses may be taken for ordinal or P/F credit. Auditing is not permitted.
Students should check the Tufts Friedman and/or Tufts Fletcher cross-registration page for Harvard students to confirm Tufts policies for cross-registrants.